Get Your Online Lessons Booked Up
With This Automated Funnel

The Quick and Easy Way To Promote Your Online Lessons

This is a simple, one page Website perfectly designed for online teachers.

This automated class booking funnel machine can be set up within a couple of hours and be used right away to get your business going.

You can say goodbye to taking payments manually, checking bank transfers and emailing class attendees the Zoom link.

With this funnel, you have full control over the pricing and your schedule, besides allowing people to select and pay for one of your classes.

This website comes with a full help desk system.

You may consider adding a link to your new sales funnel to your social media and email signature and watch the bookings come in for your next class.

The campaign is 100% built in Kartra. Once you have purchased this funnel, it will be imported into your account in minutes.

The Quickest Way to Launch Your Online Lessons
Import this ready made funnel straight into your Kartra Account to save yourself time, stress and frustration


Email List


Email Sequence


Help Desk


We create all our funnels and website templates with the purpose of giving you a peace of mind and they will be regularly updated.
We Provide Full Training
For all our funnels and website templates so that you can move forward to launch out fast.
All our training recordings are in HD video quality. You can enlarge the screen and see every detail of how to edit your Funnel.
Besides learning how to edit the funnel you have purchased, we will also provide you with training on all of Kartra’s main features.
Be part of our Facebook clients community who use our Funnels and Websites to build their online businesses. Here, you may ask questions and get support from myself or my team or our like – minded peers.
Let’s Get Your Funnel Going Fast

There are two ways you can purchase the funnel.

  1. You can learn to do it yourself by following our training videos OR
  2. Hire our team to customise your funnel with all the content you provide such as Pages & Email Copy, Logo, Images and Colour Scheme.


You edit the funnel the way you want it to be using Kartra’s drag and drop editor.
Follow our step by step training so you will learn exactly how to launch your funnel within hours.
As long as you have the funnel within your own Kartra account, you can use it multiple times.
We will provide extra help to support you whenever you need it.



We will help to edit your funnel according to how you want it to be in terms of colours, fonts and add your written content, images, videos and logo.
If all content is provided, we will normally take about 7 days to complete your funnel.
Watch our step by step training so you will know how to make simple changes to your new done for you funnel if needed.

Our team will be available to support you and ensure your funnel is working well at all times.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions I get about the Online Home Tutor Funnel answered for you.
If you have a different question, just click on the help icon to get in touch.

Do I need to have Kartra in order to use this Funnel?

Yes, you do need a Kartra account because this website is 100% created using this software.

If you are interested in getting this website template, all you need to do is to purchase the website first, and then sign up for Kartra afterwards.

What will happen after I have bought this Website Template?
You will receive an email immediately with a secret code that will allow you to import the entire website into your Kartra account.

What else do I need to do to get this working?

After you have imported the website template into your Kartra account, you may want:

  • to mask it with your own custom domain
  • and then change the branding to your own
  • follow by adjusting the copy, dates, emails and countdown timers as required
Is it possible for me to use the website more than once?
Once the website is imported into your Karta account, you can duplicate it as many times as you want and use it for other purposes. Having said that, the only thing you cannot do is re-share it to other people’s Kartra account.
Will you provide any help if I’m stuck?
Yes we will offer help specifically to this Website so that you can get it up and running quickly. However, if you have any issues with using Kartra itself, we would recommend you reach out to their own support team.
Is it possible for me to connect your other Funnels to this Website?
Yes, it is possible. Do reach out to us if you plan to do that. We will advise you on what is best for your business.
Will it take long to get this new Website live?

The launching of the new website can take less than 3 hours if you have:

  • all the content ready such as the copy, images, logo and any videos
  • watch our short training videos and put everything together
Is it possible for me to edit all the newsletter email sequences?
Yes, it is possible and it’s very easy to do that. You can also add more emails to the sequence and control the time between every email. We will provide you the tutorial videos on how to do that.